Monday, December 12, 2016

The cure for the hurry during Advent.

We're sitting at the lunch table on Friday talking about Christmas. Some of the presents have been purchased, most of the decorations have been hung with care, and I was feeling pretty good about the holiday rush. Until I sat down for lunch and the conversation begins...

Them: Only two weeks left until Christmas.

Me: No there's three.

Them: No, there's only two birthday is next week and that's the ten day mark.

Me (head spinning): No, we have three weeks.

They stare at me like I just might be losing it as I go to get the calendar. It is not that I didn't believe them...I just couldn't wrap my mind around it. My pretty good feeling flew right out the window along with my peace. I spent the night tossing and turning, thinking of all the things I needed to get done...of all the things I haven't done yet.

There's two weeks left and my wreath for the front door is there on the floor waiting for the bow to be tied. Waiting to be hung. It keeps reminding me of all I must accomplish in a short amount of time.

Yesterday, the pianist decides to put the reading of the Christmas story into our praise and prayer service. As we sing Silent Night we begin to read and the rush of this season...the hurried thoughts of all to be done dissolve.

Today marks the halfway point, and before you make the list of all things yet to do, won't you take a few moments.

Find your bible or click on the link and read.

Luke 2:1-20

But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.

Take time to ponder. To sit in the stillness and treasure words written, to gaze at lights twinkling on trees. Because the rush can steal joy and create chaos. It can leave a mind churning crazy over buying, and making and wrapping. 

Behold slow words of love and joy...soak up words of quiet rest...breath deep the peace of Advent


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