There are three "C's" I strive for these days. The specific words aren't found in a how-to book, or in theology class. No creed has been written with them but for me they encompass what relationship is all about. Isn't that where the journey takes us? In the end aren't we all wanting to be close to something... someone? I can't give you a formula to a closer relationship with God. No to do list you can check off and be done. I can tell you where I've been and challenge you to let go of what you think or what someone else has told you might work. Trust me, I've read most of the books, and tried so many things that seemed to work for others. In the end I was still a LONEr (someone who lives in the Land of Not Enough). Three words have led me to a new place. The place where I am enough and none of what I do can change this fact.
Conversation... curiosity... community---these are my three "C's".
Relationship all begins with conversation. Before we can read or write, even before we could talk, conversation permeated our lives. Something we do all day... everyday. Conversation is the building block for all relationships. Just imagine how long your list would be if you jotted down all the talking you did in a day. The longer I walk this journey the more I find myself turning thoughts and words upwards. It's conversation... it's prayer.
They say, "curiosity killed the cat" and maybe so, but it won't kill us. When I was young we only got three television channels. There I was lying on the carpet watching the only channel that looked interesting. The preacher and his wife talking about miracles and God. As I listened to their tales of healing and all wonders of supernatural happenings I thought, "Well, if that really is God, I want it all." I believe that was the beginning of my curiosity, and it just won't let me go. Some might feel questions just reveal doubt, and I guess there's some truth in that. But, when we don't ask questions, what answers can He reveal. I find myself asking questions all the time. I ask friends. I search His word. I ask Him. Through the years my curiosity has made me more of a listener. Matthew tells us, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened". (Matthew 7:7-12) The road to maturity is paved with curiosity. Ask, seek, knock... He will not disappoint.
I've pondered the question many times: "Can a person live on an island alone and still be a Christian?" My bold answer is NO. There is no place that exists without community. We were created by the perfect community---Father, Son and Spirit. (Genesis 1:26) God is community and we were created for community. No matter how messed up our earthly communities are, we grow in and through communion with God and others. Corporate worship, bible studies with others, and holy friendships challenge me to grow in ways I never would on my own. The early believers worshiped together and broke bread daily. In a world that teaches us to do it "all by ourselves" we must work to build community that leads us closer to God and closer to each other.
Three "C's", conversation, curiosity, community. There are church words for them---prayer, study, fellowship. These are the building blocks of relationship. The driving force that leads us to the very presence of God. I encourage you to begin practicing each one. Have a conversation with God...with someone whose faith you admire. Ask the hard questions... heck, ask an easy one. Plug into a community... a bible study, worship service, Sunday school class. These are the "C's" that led me to move out... to grow... to love Him and others. These are the words that make living enough possible.
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