Tuesday, December 20, 2016


When you're planning a birthday party you need supplies...plates,  napkins, party hats. My oldest niece and I stroll through the party supplies grabbing streamers and signs. We decide on a color scheme, toss everything into the cart and head to the check out. The cashier gives me my total and I'm surprised.

Oh wow! I must have found some things on sale because that total is way under my budget.

My Aggie niece ( I had to slip the Aggie fact in there. I'm proud!) Anyway...my niece looks at me as I hand my card over to pay and says,

Does it matter how much it costs? It's Jesus' birthday.

I couldn't help but laugh. How could I forget my purpose for buying all the birthday fun? I must have lost my mind on aisle nine with all the streamers and sticky mustaches. Somewhere along the short trip to the check out line I forgot who I was celebrating. 

It's an easy thing to do. Forget the reason for Advent...for Christmas. Decorating, shopping and cooking are ways I celebrate, but if I'm not careful the celebration can turn into pressure I would rather avoid. By the time Christmas Day rolls around I'm just glad it's all over. 

Four days left until our King is born. Four days to wrap gifts and cook kolaches...oh my! 

Some days you just have to tell yourself to breathe...just breathe. Breathe in the joy of Advent and let go of the pressure to make all things perfect. The truth is the the child born in a stable is the only One who takes our imperfection and redeems it.

So tie a string around your finger or set a timer on your phone and remember. Remember the reason we celebrate. 



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